Our Nervous System, the Vagus Nerve, Vagal Tone and how it Works, Why we Need it and Ways to Look After it and Take Back Some Responsibility for our Health.

Published: Feb. 13, 2022, 3 p.m.

Lee Tomlin (Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, and Energy Psychotherapist)   in London - focusing on counselling/therapy in a relaxed manner, in the hope that by talking about different areas of counselling she  will help in lifting its profile and promoting its efficacy.  Speaking about subjects around therapy, health and how we can have more of a sense of  agency around our physical and mental Health.
 She will be speaking with interesting, skilled and passionate healers as well as people from a variety of backgrounds  at times.

To contact Lee:  info@tomlintherapy.com.    website:    www.tomlintherapy.com
Music intro by: Joe Snelgrove  jsdrumguide@gmail.com and see him on youtube
and instagram jsdrumguide

This episode is focusing on the nervous system, which lets face it has been through a tough couple of years, whoever you are!

Lee wanted to talk about the Vagus nerve and its importance to us and how it works, also how we can look after it if it is frayed or damaged.

Lee talks about the Vagus nerve and looks at self care options that are out there.