84. SurrENDer

Published: Nov. 12, 2022, 7:01 p.m.

b'Surr\\u201dend\\u201der\\n\\nThis word. I don\\u2019t think I fully ever understood... Today, I believe this may be one of the most underrated words/ practices out there , besides the one and only self compassion - ya, that one is the magic ingredient in any recipe ;) WRITE THAT ONE DOWN for later. \\n\\nBack to this word SURRENDER\\u2026\\nWhat does it really mean ? \\n\\nI surprisingly saw dictionary results as the thought of giving up? It is so interesting to me but not surprising. In our world that is the last thing we want to show \\u2026. Giving up, messing up, quitting\\u2026\\n\\nYa, no thank you to that\\u2026\\n\\nSurrender is quit the opposite, it\\u2019s actually realizing it is not only okay, but necessary to stop and LET GO! Just think about the frozen song \\u2026 or better yet sing it out loud ! \\n\\nJust think about how happier we would be if we could just have things fall off of us and not feel we are gripping so tight. Let things fall into place as they must. Flow into an experience without expectation. When you don\\u2019t understand why something is happening just smile and say \\u201cOkay universe, I trust you and that you got my back\\u201d and just notice what comes next\\u2026.\\n\\nImagine yourself holding on to a log on a stream. How exhausting it would be to continue to hold onto it when the current is pushing you the other way. What if you were to release the log and then you actually end up at the end of the river where a beautiful waterfall, luscious trees, and big berry bushes live. That whole time you were clinging to something that wasn\\u2019t even serving you in the first place and keeping you from the true beauty of life.\\n\\nSurrendering is letting go of this quitting mentality and stepping into your higher wisdom of releasing how you think life should be (Gripping onto the log) and just allowing the rise of life to happen(flowing with the stream) \\u2026. It is SO simple \\u2026 yet we humans make it complicated . \\n\\nRemember that, and of course along that way pull out that lovely self compassion (again why I told you to right that down for later ;b) \\n\\nYou got this!'