58. Acceptance- Caterpillar and the Butterfly

Published: April 27, 2022, 7:38 p.m.

b'Where are you at on the scale TODAY?\\n\\nWe "believe" that we are either an extrovert or introvert but in reality we\\nare always on a scale, and sometimes in our life we lean on it differently, and that is okay, more than okay. We don\\u2019t live in boxes and we are not defined by our labels. Labels are our ego.\\n\\nNotice when you are trying to attach to a label to feel more in control. Do the labels you place on yourself bring up more fear and unease in the long run? Do your labels help or hurt you?\\n\\nA butterfly is a remarkable creature. The butterfly or also known as the "social" butterfly a.k.a. the extrovert doesn\\u2019t decide when to be an extrovert, it just BECOMES it.\\n\\nThe same thing for the caterpillar, BECOMING the introverted, going inward.\\n\\nWith each shift, it does not decide- the transformation just happens, its not good or bad, it is what it is! It does not question it, it just trusts.\\n\\nWhat if we all could do a little more of that trust that whatever is happening in our lives is serving us TODAY, in some way, right now\\n\\n.... that we always continue to evolve. Sometimes we\\u2019re going to be the caterpillar, sometimes we\\u2019re going to be the butterfly and that\\u2019s OK. It\\u2019s more than OK.\\n\\nI\\u2019m just here to remind you that you got this regardless of where you are on that scale, and what you need.'