7. WHY my PERIOD SKIPPED a month & HOW I’m getting it back on track.

Published: Sept. 29, 2020, 11:33 a.m.

If you've been with me for a while, you already know I have PCOS and ALWAYS had an irregular period that once turned into NO period for a full two YEARS. (Check out EPISODE 1 for my full hormonal journey)

Thankfully, I changed my nutrition & lifestyle so I have been getting it regularly for the last 2.5 years!

HOWEVER, my cycle is VERY SENSITIVE to intense stress & transitions which is why my period was 10 days late, causing me to not get a period in August.

(10 days late might not seem like a huge deal to you if your period is all over the map like mine used to be. I GET IT! BUT, this is a sign from my body that things are starting to get out of balance. Taking action NOW will prevent the irregularities to continue.)

Let's get on the same page: On August 3rd I formally resigned from my 9 year teaching career to work full time in my Nutrition Business.

While it was the easiest decision in the sense that I 10000% knew this is what I wanted to do, it was EXTREMELY challenging to wrap my head around it and overcome the fear.

For the months leading up to it, my mind was CONSTANTLY running about how scared & overwhelmed I was.

This then affected my cortisol levels, routines & sleep patterns which caused my hormones to get jacked up.

Here are the 3 steps I’m taking to get back on track

  1. Eating dinner earlier
  2. Prioritizing sleep
  3. Scheduling in down time in nature

It’s not about being PERFECT, it’s about knowing WHAT caused it & exactly HOW to rebalance your system.

I can’t wait to hear what you think of this episode!

Free resources & where you & I can connect more:

  • Click  here for more info on my 10 WEEK GROUP COURSE to a regular period with LESS PMS, managed PCOS, boosted FERTILITY, better DIGESTION, SKIN & increased ENERGY?  It's going to be AMAZING! OR DM me on Instagram @corinneangelica so we can see if you would be a good fit![IF YOU JOIN BY THIS FRIDAY 10/2 you get an added BONUS of a 1:1 consult with me!! REGISTRATION FULLY CLOSES ON 10/9.]
  • Join my FREE TEXT COMMUNITY to get weekly HORMONE HEALTH & MINDSET TIPS texted right to your phone! Text the word "CORINNE" to (855) 691-0508
  • Come hang out with me on Instagram: @corinneangelica 
  • Do you know what imbalances you have? Take this free HORMONE IMBALANCE QUIZ to find out!
  • Interested in setting up a complimentary call with me to chat about your health goals & the services I offer? Head to my calendar to book in a call!

So grateful to be on this journey with you!