25. [INTERVIEW] How Gracy healed her hormones & PCOS NATURALLY after years of PAIN & SUFFERING.

Published: Dec. 15, 2020, 9 a.m.

I am so excited for you to dive into today's episode! I think it's extremely important for us to hear the stories & experiences of other women. When it comes to hormones, many of us feel alone in our struggles. This episode is meant to show you that you're not alone and that there's hope & light at the end of the tunnel.


Here's what we get into with Gracy's story:

Gracy had PCOS her whole life. Cystic acne, intense, painful periods starting at 9 years old, massive weight gain that lead her to 3 different medications (metformin, spironolactone & ozempic), weight loss surgery, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, inability to eat, hair falling out, fatigue & MORE.

After years of multiple medications & surgery, Gracy finally had enough and decided to go the holistic route.

She is now off all medications, has clear skin, is managing her weight, goes to the bathroom every day, knows how to eat, understands her PCOS, has energy & feels better than she ever has.

If you can connect with Gracy please reach out to her on IG!

Interested in my group course!? REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!


  • Imagine if you didn’t have any symptoms. If your body worked for you and not against you. If you knew how to eat. If weight loss was easy. If you were happy, you were energized and you were the woman that at 9pm you still have all of this energy and you’ve accomplished so much because your body is working for you and not against you! That is exactly what I’m teaching you in this program.

  • This group course teaches you what we didn’t learn in school!
  • I believe EVERY WOMAN deserves to understand how her body works & how she can use the tools at her fingertips like nutrition & lifestyle to get rid of symptoms, heal imbalances from the root, improve overall health & transform the quality of your life WITHOUT medication or deprivation.
  • It teaches you what NEGATIVELY affects our hormones and how we can use NUTRITION, LIFESTYLE & SUPPLEMENTATION to SUPPORT our hormones & overall health to heal our imbalances from the ROOT & IMPROVE the quality of our life.
  • I teach you SIMPLE STRATEGIES you can implement into your BUSY LIFE to help you NATURALLY heal your hormonal symptoms of an irregular period, PCOS, ENDOMETRIOSIS, painful periods, acne, migraines, fatigue, low fertility, constipation & bloating!
  • Click here for more information or DM me  @corinneangelica  so I can hear your story!
  • I only accept a MAX of 20 women so I can pour into each of you INDIVIDUALLY.
  • REGISTRATION WITH ADDED BONUS OF A 1:1 CALL WITH ME CLOSES 12/18. Registration fully closes 12/30.


  • Join my FREE TEXT COMMUNITY to get weekly HORMONE HEALTH & MINDSET TIPS texted right to your phone!
  • Interested in setting up a complimentary call with me to chat about your health goals, transitioning off birth control & the services I offer? Head to my calendar to book a call!

So grateful you’re here! XO Corinne