10. Is your GUT the problem?!

Published: Oct. 20, 2020, 8 a.m.

I’m SO excited for you to hear this week's episode because your gut is one of the MOST IMPORTANT aspects when it comes to your health (if not THE most important)! Your gut is responsible for absorbing nutrients which helps you make the hormones you need AND break down and eliminate the ones you don’t. It has its organisms/bacteria that add up to MORE than the amount of cells in our body!! Those organisms influence our mood, weight, inflammation & overall hormonal health. Your gut is responsible for moving hormones out of the body and helping you detoxify.


When your gut isn’t functioning properly, you can experience anxiety, depression, headaches, joint pain, fatigue, difficulty gaining or losing weight and hormone imbalances.


You need a healthy gut to remove excess estrogen and other waste from the body. Estrogen is moved out of the body through the bowels so when your gut function is compromised estrogen goes back into circulation in your body which leads to those excess estrogen symptoms of bloating, cramping, heavy periods, irritability a.k.a. PMS. You need to poop at least once a day to remove the excess estrogen your body no longer needs so if you’re constipated, you’re most likely suffering from estrogen excess.


Birth control pill disrupts normal flora and produces an environment that allows for overgrowth of harmful bacteria and yeast.


Leaky gut leads to widespread inflammation and hormone disruption throughout the body. We could get a leaky gut when the cells of our intestinal lining are compromised a.k.a. little holes that are food particles go through and into the bloodstream. This is caused by stress, medications, eating foods you’re sensitive to, birth control, gluten, low fiber diet, pesticides, high sugar diet & more.


When you have leaky gut, toxins, microbes, and undigested food particles make their way through your intestinal lining & it sets off your immune system because your immune system doesn’t recognize them so it starts defending them. This results in an inflammatory attack by your immune system. Leaky gut leads to food sensitivities and immune disorders like autoimmune disease.


This inflammation from an imbalanced gut flora leads to insulin receptor dysfunction and higher levels of testosterone which is of course root causes of PCOS. (Beyond the Pill)


  1. Add in FIBER to every meal. Fiber is ONLY IN PLANT FOODS. (start with a salad- make veggies the largest thing on each plate). Fiber grabs onto excess hormones, toxins & cholesterol & helps eliminate it out of the body.

  2. Add in Omega3 FATS daily- if not in every meal. Omega 3s= avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil. Omega 3s are ANTI INFLAMMATORY & NOURISH the gut.

  3. MOVEMENT. Movement INCREASES the DIVERSITY in our gut! Take the stairs, get up at least once an hour, park in the furthest parking spot, dance around, pick a movement you love.

  4. REMOVE/REDUCE: Sugar, processed foods, dairy. Do this ONE AT A TIME! Look at your diet & see what you consume the most of out of the list above. Start with what you consume most and remove/reduce ONE thing at a time until it becomes a habit to NOT have it. Then add another.

My favorite dairy alternative brands: Good Planet, Miyoko’s, Kite Hill, So Delicious, Melt Butter, Califa


  1. Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten

  2. PCOS SOS by Felice Gersh

  3. The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine

Ways to connect with me!

  • Come say hi & hang out with me on Instagram! @corinneangelica 

  • Join my FREE TEXT COMMUNITY to get weekly HORMONE HEALTH & MINDSET TIPS texted right to your phone! Text the word "CORINNE" to (855) 691-0508

  • Click here to get on the list to be the first to know when registration opens for the next round of my GROUP COURSE how to EAT, MOVE & LIVE for your hormones. This course teaches you SIMPLE STRATEGIES you can implement into your BUSY LIFE to help you NATURALLY heal your hormonal symptoms of an irregular period, PCOS, acne, migraines, fatigue, low fertility, constipation & bloating! I’m teaching you what we should’ve learned in school!

  • Do you know what imbalances you have? Take this free HORMONE IMBALANCE QUIZ to find out!

  • Interested in setting up a complimentary call with me to chat about your health goals, transitioning off birth control & the services I offer? Head to my calendar to book a call!

So grateful you’re here! XO Corinne