MLM 109 - Where Do Veterans submit an Application to Change their RE Code?

Published: Sept. 13, 2022, 12:30 p.m.


A question that Veterans ask is where do they submit an application if they want to change their Reenlistment (RE) code so they can reenlist.


There is some confusion because there is some guidance out there that informs Veterans to submit an application to the Board for Correction of Military or Naval Records.  This is not necessarily true.


The service websites below include language regarding changing your RE code:


Air Force Discharge Review Board


"The Air Force Discharge Review Board (AFDRB) affords former Air Force, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve members the opportunity to request a review of their discharge (except for a discharge or dismissal by general courts-martial) within 15 years of the date of separation. The objective of the AFDRB is to examine an  applicant\\u2019s discharge and consider changing the characterization of service, the reason for discharge, and the re-enlistment eligibility code (when applicable), based on standards of propriety or equity."


Army Discharge Review Board


"If however, a former Soldier can provide evidence that the RE code is an error or unjust, the former Soldier may apply to the Army Board for  Correction of Military Records for a correction of the RE code.  If the  former Soldier can provide evidence that their discharge character or reason for discharge issued in the last 15 years are erroneous or unjust, the former Soldier can apply to the Army Discharge Review Board  for a discharge review and request that their RE code be changed according to the correct reason for discharge."


Naval Discharge Review Board


"Additionally, the NDRB is authorized to change a NDRB Applicant\'s Reenlistment Code if related to an accompanying change in discharge characterization or narrative, but this authority is strictly limited to those cases where an applicant\'s narrative reason or characterization of discharge is changed and that change warrants revision of the previously issued reenlistment code."


The Coast Guard Discharge Review Board


U.S. Department of Homeland Security


"Before applying to the DRB, please understand the scope and authority of this Board. The DRB has authority to recommend changes to the items issued in Blocks 24-28 of the DD-214:
\\nCharacter of Service
\\nSeparation Authority
\\nSeparation Code
\\nReentry code
\\nNarrative Reason for Separation"
