Insurance Journal Podcast

Insurance Journal Podcast

Insurance Journal TV - Property and casualty insurance industry news and features.

72 episodes

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Communication et Info. (Videos)

Communication et Info. (Videos)

L’UNESCO œuvre à la création d’un environnement favorable à l’accès universel à l’information et au savoir, notamment à travers la définition de normes, la sensibilisation et le suivi des progrès réalisés dans ce domaine.

1 episodes

Listed in: media

Communication & Info. (Videos)

Communication & Info. (Videos)

Information and communication technology (ICT) has become, within a very short time, one of the basic building blocks of modern society. One of UNESCO’s overriding aims is to ensure that all countries, both developed and developing, have access to the best educational facilities necessary to prepare young people to play full roles in modern society and to contribute to a knowledge nation.

18 episodes

Listed in: media