168: #TheLoveHour | We Dont Communicate Well!

Published: June 10, 2021, 1 p.m.

#TheLoveHour | We Don\u2019t Communicate Well!\n\xa0\nIn today\u2019s episode Melissa and Kev break down the definition of communication in their relationship.\n\xa0\nShipStation\nGo to https://www.shipstation.com use my offer code, LOVE, to get a 60-day free trial.\n\xa0\nAudible\n\u201cVisit https://www.Audible.com/lovehour or text lovehour to 500-500.\u201d\n\xa0\nThrive Causemetics\nVisit https://www.thrivecausemetics.com/LOVE for 15% off your first\norder!\xa0\n\xa0\nThirdLove\nGo to https://www.thirdlove.com/LOVEHOUR now to get 20% off your first purchase.\n\xa0\n\xa0\n\xa0\n\xa0\n