MSP#48: Hollywood Knights (of the Old Republic)

Published: Nov. 12, 2008, 6:41 a.m.


Major Spoilers Podcast #48


This week\\u2019s ephemera: Former Captain America Steve Rogers is STILL dead, but at least he\\u2019s out of development hell! It\\u2019s night in Hyboria\\u2026 do you know where your children are? And, cyborg versus cyborg in a no-holds barred chair-swinging extravaganza smackdown. Plus: all hell breaks loose, the pulps rise again, Archie\\u2019s girlfriend gets a new paint job, and\\u2026 begun, this clone war has. Or, begun it will have been someday, this after which we are living now, or began, however that sentence did. Hmm.


Captain America Lands Director




Ratner in Final Negotiations for Conan




Congrats to Mark Meer for his Bizarro costume. Mark won the Hellboy Animated Maquette and Hellboy Library Edition Volume 1 by a coin toss.


By Moody, Ruggles, Barry & Greathouse.\\n
When Veronica Gainsburrow died, all hell broke loose. Literally. Now her undead alter ego is all that stands between the forces of evil and the end of the world. Can she harness her new powers in time to stop this army of darkness? Horror has a Hero\\u2014SCARLET VERONICA


\\nSAVAGE DRAGON #140\\n
story ERIK LARSEN\\n
art & cover ERIK LARSEN\\n
Spawn! Witchblade! Invincible! ShadowHawk! The Savage Dragon! Together, the world\'s greatest heroes unite to face the greatest menace to even threaten this perilous planet! Dragon\'s tour of the Image Universe comes to its cataclysmic conclusion in this awe-inspiring epic destined to shake the universe to its very foundation! Not for the squeamish!


\\nKULL #1\\u2028Writer: Arvid Nelson\\n
Penciller: Will Conrad\\n
Colorist Jos\\xe9 Villarrubia\\n
Cover Artist: Andy Brase\\u2028More comfortable with a sword than a scepter, Kull has recently crowned himself king and seeks to unite the once-proud and powerful land of Valusia. Only Count Areyas stands between Kull and a reunified kingdom--and the obstinate Count waits patiently in his Iron Fortress, the land\'s oldest and most formidable castle. Horrors lurk in the shadows of Kull\'s newly won throne, and slithering foes stalk his every move. Arvid Nelson scripts this series, which will adapt Robert E. Howard\'s story "The Shadow Kingdom," with art by Will Conrad and Jos\\xe9 Villarrubia.


Major Spoilers Poll of the Week\\n
Robot Wars II\\n
A) Dalek\\n
B) Cybermen\\n


\\nKnights of the Old Republic: Commencement\\n
Thousands of years before Luke Skywalker would destroy the Death Star in that fateful battle above Yavin 4, one lone Padawan would become a fugitive hunted by his own Masters, charged with murdering every one of his fellow Jedi-in-training!


From criminals hiding out in the treacherous under-city of the planet Taris, to a burly, mysterious droid recovered from the desolate landscape of a cratered moon, Padawan Zayne Carrick will find unexpected allies in his desperate race to clear his name before the unmerciful authorities enact swift retribution upon him!


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Music from this episode comes from Ookla the Mok. You can visit them on the web at and purchase their music at the iTunes Music Store.


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