MSP#245: Truth: Red, White and Black

Published: Oct. 20, 2010, 4:15 a.m.


truth, red, white, and black


This week on the show: The first Captain America, Locke & Key, DC gets a review, and the Hulk returns to Television.


Hulk returns to television\\n


Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom #2\\n
Writer: Joe Hill\\n
Art: Gabriel Rodriguez\\n
On a bitter winter day, Kinsey Locke encounters a madwoman who just might be able to unlock the darkest secrets of Keyhouse. But forcing the truth out of her won\'t be easy, and besides... Dodge has no intention of ever giving Erin Voss a chance to tell what she knows.




Knight and Squire #1\\n
Written by PAUL CORNELL; Art by JIMMY BROXTON; Cover by YANICK PAQUETTE; 1:10 Variant cover by BILLY TUCCI\\n
Just as Gotham City has Batman and Robin, London has Knight and Squire \\u2013 the British heroes and frequent allies of The Dark Knight! In a secret bar within the city where peace is kept magically, heroes and villains gather to enjoy a pint and talk about their day. But what happens when the magical barriers that disallow fighting are dropped and a building full of heroes and villains confront each other all at once? Knight and Squire have to keep the peace and save both friend and foe in this 6-issue miniseries from hot writer Paul Cornell (ACTION COMICS, Captain Britain and MI:13) and up-and-coming artist Jimmy Broxton (THE UNWRITTEN).




There have been some really weird crossover comics, until I wandered down the toy aisle and saw the Superman vs. He-Man action figure two pack, I completely forgot that the two actually met in a DC crossover event in 1982.\\xa0 Back then, Superman was able to bring He-Man down with a well placed punch, but both characters have gone through an evolution since then.\\xa0 So\\u2026




MAJOR SPOILERS DISCUSSION: Truth: Red, White, and Black \\n
Set in the Marvel Universe, the series takes the Tuskegee Experiments as inspiration for a tale that re-examines the history of the super-serum that created Captain America. Beginning in 1942, the series follows a regiment of black soldiers who are forced to act as test subjects in a program attempting to re-create the lost formula earlier used to turn Steve Rogers to Captain America. The experiments lead to mutation and death, until only one remains \\u2013 Isaiah Bradley.


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Music from this episode comes from Armin Brewer (intro) and James Kennison (closing) from the Nobody\'s Listening Podcast. A big thanks to both of these guys for creating kick-ass music for the show!


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