MSP#148: The Super Future Friends Pay a Visit

Published: Nov. 4, 2009, 5:45 a.m.


Super Future Friends


In this issue: Doctor Ten heads for America, but will he have his TARDIS? Doctor Horrible heads for the hills, but is it really Doogie Howser? Doctor Regulus tries to kill the Legion, but they don\'t die... THEY MULTIPLY! Plus: Rocky Marciano? Rocky Mariciano? Clark Kent was 257 years old when he fought Rocky Marciano... And: There\'s women present, so Stephen and I have to clean up the house and wear pants during the show. THEN: Three kids come back in time to tell Christopher Reeve that the underwear goes INSIDE the pants, but it\'s pretty clear that his resume may not be up to date. Either way, Rodrigo\'s at volleyball, and Dante has finally stopped vomiting, so the world is a happier place...


Who\\u2019s excited about David Tennant getting his own American TV Show?\\n


Doctor Horrible Fan Film\\n


Men in Black 3?\\n


Smallville Year 10?




Best of 2009\\n


Major Spoilers Costume Contest: Meet the Winner!


\\nSuperman: Secret Origin #2\\n
Written by Geoff Johns; Art by Gary Frank and Jon Sibal; Covers by Gary Frank
Geoff Johns and Gary Frank\'s exploration of the origin of the greatest Super Hero of all time continues! In this second issue, readers will witness young Clark Kent\'s initial journey into the late 30th century as Superboy and see how meeting the Legion of Super-Heroes shapes the Superman he will one day become! Plus, more on the beginnings of the young Lex Luthor!


Everyone discusses the entries for the third annual Major Spoilers Costume Contest.


Get over to the Major Spoilers Website and vote.\\n


MAJOR SPOILERS DISCUSSION: Legion of Three Worlds and Beyond!\\n
\\nMatthew, Adriana, and Kristin attempt to explain to Stephen what really happened during Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds series, and what major revelations or events are happening to the Legion in current DC continuity. Answers? Yes. More Questions? You betcha! Lot\'s of fun? That\'s a sure bet anytime the Super Future Friends make an appearance on the show.\\n


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Music from this episode comes from Armin Brewer (intro) and James Kennison (closing) from the Nobody\'s Listening Podcast. A big thanks to both of these guys for creating kick-ass music for the show!


A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.
