MSP#131: Face it Tigger, you just hit the jackpot

Published: Sept. 2, 2009, 5:08 a.m.


House of Mouse buys House of Ideas


In this issue: The House of Mouse buys the House of Ideas. And that\'s it. Really. Nothing else happened this week. Okay, so the Major Spoilers Crew also take a quick look at some comic book reviews, and dive headfirst into Kurt Busiek\'s Astro City: The Dark Age Volume 1.


The House of Mouse, buys the House of Ideas


Art Appreciation Moment of the Day: Name That Theme Winner is Announced. Now if Stephen will only ship the prize before the end of the year.


\\nHERCULES: THE KNIVES OF KUSH #2 (2 of 5)\\n
\\nDelve into the shadows of a hero as we continue this untold tale from Hercules\' dark past. As the son of Zeus and his companions begin their search for the traitors in the Egyptian king\\u2019s palace, they long for the excitement of the battlefield. But when military secrets continue to leak from the palace, the Greeks are forced to consider a long shot to gain information. Can even the courage of Hercules withstand a trip to Nakhtkeru the Necromancer?


\\nThe Flash: Rebirth #4\\n
Written by Geoff Johns; Art and covers by Ethan Van Sciver
\\nBarry Allen left a legacy that thrived after his death. Now his return threatens it all. What secrets does Barry hold inside him about the fate of the Flash Family? What destiny awaits Wally and his twins? What murderous force targets Bart Allen? And what does it truly mean to be a speedster?


\\nBatman: The Widening Gyre #1\\u2028
Written by Kevin Smith; Art by Walter Flanagan and Art Thibert; Cover by Bill Sienkiewicz
\\nThe stakes are high as Batman encounters a new vigilante under his wing amidst what Smith describes as a "backdrop of romance, intrigue, and geek-bait guest stars galore."


Disney bought Marvel Enterprises for $4 Billion.\\xa0 The virtual press conference the companies had earlier today tried to spell everything out, and I particularly like this quote \\u201cWe believe in the team at Marvel, and see no need to upset the apple cart.\\u201d\\n
Well, the apple cart is pretty much upset, as the nerd rampage continues across the Intardwebz, with some people proclaiming this to be the end of all things holy in the House of Ideas. But is it?\\xa0 Is it really?\\xa0 It\\u2019s time for you to cast your vote!


Get over to the Major Spoilers Website and vote.\\n


\\nAstro City: The Dark Age Volume 1\\n
\\n Today Astro City is a shining metropolis on a hill where super-heroes patrol the skies. However, things were not always as bright as they are today. In the early 1970\\u2019s, in the wake of a global catastrophe, two brothers, one good and one evil must deal with family secrets and social upheaval, involving heroes from Jack-In-the-Box to the Blue Knight and the unsettling events leading to the final fate of the mysterious Silver Agent. Find out why this era was so troubled through the eyes of two men who survived the depths of it!\\n


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Music from this episode comes from Armin Brewer (intro) and James Kennison (closing) from the Nobody\'s Listening Podcast. A big thanks to both of these guys for creating kick-ass music for the show!


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