MSP#123: The Tank Girl Podcast

Published: Aug. 5, 2009, 5:22 a.m.


The Tank Girl Podcast


In this issue: Can a rabbit be invisible and pink at the same time? My name is Mot, thanks a lot! And wouldn\\u2019t it be cool if the Plutonian had a flying dog in a cape that is ALSO a mass-murderer\\u2026 Plus: Billy West will still be getting a paycheck\\u2026 Norman Osborn is makin\\u2019 his list, and checkin\\u2019 it twice\\u2026 But is the podcast brutal enough that Stephen will stop erasing and starting over? And: Punk Rock Girl, you look so wild, punk rock girl let\\u2019s have a child, we\\u2019ll name her Minnie Pearl, just you and me, we need fudge banana swirl, you and me\\u2026 Stephen\\u2019s store got Mojo Nixon, so it don\\u2019t need no fixin, the Major Spoilers Podcast is on the air.


A wrap up of some of the big news from the Major Spoilers website.\\n
Harvey Gets a Spielberg Remake\\n


The Iron Patriot End the Marvel U\\n


Futurama Cast is Back\\n


Alien Prequel\\n


\\nIncarnate #1\\u2028
Creator and Writer NICK SIMMONS\\u2028
\\nMot is a boy who cannot die.\\n
Riddle him with bullets, burn him at the stake, douse him with napalm, hang him from the gallows\\u2026still, he will walk away. Forever haunted by a mysterious doppelganger that no one else can see, Mot has wandered the world for centuries, searching for meaning and, perhaps, an end to his endless life.


\\nDethklok vs. The Goon\\n
\\nFollowing the release of the highly anticipated Dethklok vs. The Goon, Dark Horse Comics and Adult Swim announce a brand-new comics series based on the immensely popular animated show Metalocalypse. The band\\u2019s five members\\u2014Nathan Explosion, William \\u201cMurderface,\\u201d Skwisgaar Skwigelf, Toki Wartooth, and Pickles\\u2014will be featured in a full publishing program created by series co-creator Brendon Small and a collaborative team of Metalocalypse and Dark Horse artists and writers.


Written by Mark Waid \\n
Drawn by Peter Krause


Time to bring the smack down talk back to the Major Spoilers Experience.\\xa0 This week the Robot Overlords demanded we pick two of DC\\u2019s greatest female heroes and have them battle it out in the ring in a no-holds-barred right of the century.\\xa0 Sometimes we really hate our Robot Overlords, but it\\u2019s either pick two fictional characters or have our precious, precious, Intardwebz taken away for a week. So\\u2026.\\n
A) Power Girl\\n
B) Wonder Woman


Get over to the Major Spoilers Website and vote.\\n


\\nTank Girl\\n
\\nAs the name suggests, Tank Girl drives a tank, which is also her home. She undertakes a series of missions for a nebulous organization before making a serious mistake and being declared an outlaw for her sexual inclinations and her substance abuse. The comic centers on her misadventures with her boyfriend, Booga, a mutant kangaroo. The comic\\u2019s style was heavily influenced by punk visual art, and strips were frequently deeply disorganized, anarchic, absurdist, and psychedelic. The strip features various elements with origins in surrealist techniques, fanzines, collage, cut-up technique, stream of consciousness, and metafiction, with very little regard or interest for conventional plot or committed narrative.


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Music from this episode comes from Armin Brewer (intro) and James Kennison (closing) from the Nobody\'s Listening Podcast. A big thanks to both of these guys for creating kick-ass music for the show!


A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.
