MSP#119: The Preacher Podcast

Published: July 22, 2009, 6:02 a.m.


The Preacher Podcast


In this issue: The Fastest Man Alive gets a producer! The Martians are due on Maple Street, and they\\u2019ve brought your daddy\\u2019s ass-watch! The future is upon us, but for some reason everybody sounds different! Plus: Creatures what are beautiful! Powers which are super! Heroes what are knocking boots! Sure and I\\u2019ve come to drain your wee blood, then! And finally, an internet troll who\\u2019s not a racist assclown. All this and more, as we say goodbye to 2009 and say hello to\\u2026 the rest of 2009! The Major Spoilers podcast is on the air!


This week the Major Spoilers Crew give their quick shot thoughts on the San Diego Comic Con, Green Lantern: First Flight, the voiceless Futurama, Geoff Johns and the Flash movie, and Willem Defoe as Tars Tarkas.


\\nBeautiful Creatures #1\\u2028
Written: Kurtis Wiebe\\u2028
Pencils: Ash Jackson\\u2028
Publication Date: 2009-09-23
\\nThey say we all have a monster lurking inside of us.\\n
Four beautiful college girls uncover their secret passengers - mythic creatures of a long dead age. The surfacing of their true nature hurls them into a hidden world of awakening magic, wonder and monsters.


Herogasm #3 review


\\nTHE BOYS: HEROGASM #3 (OF 6)\\u2028
Writer: GARTH ENNIS\\u2028
Penciller/Inker: JOHN McCREA
\\nThe Occasional Death At Herogasm Isn\'t That Unusual, But How One Member Of Fantastico Checks Out Is Nothing Short Of Spectacular. In The Resultant Chaos The Boys Make Their Move- On A Target That May Not Be All He Seems. Hughie, Meanwhile, Runs Smack Into Black Noir In The Worst Possible Way, While Jack From Jupiter Spills A Few More Secrets To A-Train. And Speaking Of Secrets, What Does The Man From Vought-American Want With Vic The Veep...?


Writer: JIM KRUEGER\\n
Penciller/Inker: EDGAR SALAZAR (Main Story), DOUG KLAUBA (Special Origin Story)
\\nThe Next Exciting Chapter Of Dynamite Entertainment\'s PROJECT SUPERPOWERS Is Here! Overseen Again By Ross, Who Plots And Art Directs The Entire PROJECT SUPERPOWERS Universe, Writer Jim Krueger Returns For Chapter Two, As The Pair Of All-Star Creators Are Joined For The Series By Edgar (DEATH DEFYING \'DEVIL) Salazar! The New Series Is Faster, More Intense, And The WORLD IS AT STAKE!


We\\u2019re fortunate enough to have access to a plethora of comics at the Stately Spoiler Manor, but that doesn\\u2019t mean we\\u2019re loaded.\\xa0 Sometimes one comic is needed more than others, and a tight budget might dictate what we take home, and what stays behind.\\xa0 Which brings us to the Major Spoilers Poll of the Week!\\u2028
What is the absolute limit to your weekly comic book spending?


Get over to the Major Spoilers Website and vote.\\n


\\nPreacher Vol. 1\\n
\\n Here\\u2019s a book guaranteed to offend a bunch of people, not only because of its profuse profanity and graphic violence, but because it\\u2019s the epitome of iconoclasm. Like a brutal accident, you can\\u2019t watch but you can\\u2019t turn away. The story follows an ex-preacher man, Jesse, who has become disgusted with God\\u2019s abandoning of His responsibilities. So Jesse starts off into the wilds of Texas with his hitman girlfriend and new best friend (a vampire) to find God so that he can give Him a piece of his mind. Despite its superficial perversity, this book contains what may be the most moral character in mainstream comics. A cult hit in the making. Fans of Quentin Tarantino take note.


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Music from this episode comes from Armin Brewer (intro) and James Kennison (closing) from the Nobody\'s Listening Podcast. A big thanks to both of these guys for creating kick-ass music for the show!


A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.
