MSP #166: The Supreme Podcast

Published: Jan. 6, 2010, 6:21 a.m.


The Supreme Power Podcast


In this issue: The Supreme Power returns, Thor is spectacular, 2010 is Spidey\'s year, and much more in the latest installment of the Major Spoilers Podcast!


Thor will change the conventions of the superhero movie\\n
\\nLinkage \\n
2010 is the Year of Spider-Man\\n


\\nBuck Rogers #7\\n
Writer: Scott Beatty\\n
Penciller/Inker: Carlos Lopez
\\nThe Future is here! From Dynamite, writer Scott Beatty and artist Carlos Rafael comes the all-new adventures of Buck Rogers!\\n
In "The Space Beneath: Parts 1 (of 2)" Buck goes underground on the trail of his captured ship as he despearalty fights for a hope of home!


\\nNew Avengers #60\\n
WRITER: Brian Michael Bendis\\n
PENCILS: Stuart Immonen
\\nGet ready for something you never thought you\'d see! Is this the end of Luke Cage? Has the Dark Reign found a casualty so horrifying that the Avengers may not be able to keep it together? Another shocker from the crack team of Bendis and Immonen. Rated A \\u2026$3.99


What USPS Stamp is your "Do Not Mail" stamp?\\n
Beetle Bailey\\n
Calving and Hobbes\\n
Dennis the Menace\\n


Get over to the Major Spoilers Website and vote.\\n


\\n Babylon 5 creator and Amazing Spider-Man writer J. Michael Straczynski presents a new vision of a world about to give birth to its first generation of super-heroes! Follow the origins of these new heroes and anti-heroes \\u2013 from their birth through adulthood \\u2013 and examine how their lives and abilities change and shape the world around them. The god-like Hyperion discovers his whole life has actually been an elaborate government-made lie, and his reaction could mean the end of the Earth! Do the world\\u2019s other super-powered beings have any chance at stopping Hyperion if the truth sends him over the edge?\\n


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Music from this episode comes from Armin Brewer (intro) and James Kennison (closing) from the Nobody\'s Listening Podcast. A big thanks to both of these guys for creating kick-ass music for the show!


A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.
