Major Spoilers Podcast #864: Bloodshot Reborn Volume 1

Published: Feb. 19, 2020, 4:13 a.m.


Bloodshot is back! But what is up with Kay and Bloodsquirt? We have a few hot takes on recent news and announcements, plus we talk Pokemon Home, Runaways #30 and BANG! #1 in this week\'s episode of the Major Spoilers Podcast.


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BANG! #1\\n
Writer: Matt Kindt\\n
Artist: Wilfredo Torres\\n
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics\\n
Cover Price: $3.99\\n
Release Date: February 19, 2020\\n
A best-of-the-best secret agent with memories he couldn\'t possibly possess, a mystery writer in her 60s who spends her retirement solving crimes, a man of action with mysterious drugs that keep him ahead of a constant string of targeted disasters, a seemingly omnipotent terrorist organization that might be behind it all...


And they\'re all connected to one man: a science-fiction author with more information than seems possible, whose books may hold the key to either saving reality or destroying it.\\n


Writer: Rainbow Rowell\\n
Artist: Andres Genolet\\n
Publisher: Marvel Comics\\n
Cover Price: $3.99\\n
Release Date: February 19, 2020


The biggest adventure of the Runaways career continues as they continue to clean up L.A. with Doc Justice as his J-Team! But not all the Runaways are so gung-ho about this new lifestyle. If RUNAWAYS has one tradition, it is painful twists, and you\'ve got another big one coming, True Believers.\\n


Publisher: Pokemon Co.\\n
Price: Free or 15.99/year premium subscription\\n
Release Date: February 2020\\n
Pok\\xe9mon HOME is a cloud service for Nintendo Switch and compatible mobile devices designed as a place where all Pok\\xe9mon can gather. By linking the same Nintendo Account to both the Nintendo Switch version and mobile version of Pok\\xe9mon HOME, you\\u2019ll be able to access the same Pok\\xe9mon Boxes on both versions!


With Pok\\xe9mon HOME, you can move Pok\\xe9mon between compatible games, trade Pok\\xe9mon on the go, and more!\\n
[rating: 4/5]




Bloodshot Reborn Volume 1: Colorado\\n
Writer: Jeff Lemire\\n
Artist Mico Suayan\\n
Publisher: Valiant Entertainment\\n
Cover Price: $9.99\\n
Bloodshot\\u2019s nanites made him a nearly unstoppable killing machine. His enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and healing made him the perfect weapon, and he served his masters at Project Rising Spirit \\u2015 a private contractor trafficking in violence \\u2015 very well. Now, Bloodshot is a shadow of his former self. He lives in self-imposed exile, reeling from the consequences of his past life and the recent events that nearly drove him mad. But when a rash of shootings by gunmen who appear to look just like Bloodshot begin, his guilt will send him on a mission to stop the killers, even if it means diving head-long into the violence that nearly destroyed him.\\n
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Closing music comes from Ookla the Mok.
