Major Spoilers Podcast #607: What if...?

Published: Jan. 14, 2015, 6:28 a.m.


This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast - We take a look at What If\\u2026? Ruminate on Agent Carter and Ant-Man, ponder the possibilities of The Flash, and learn that Shaft is still one bad mother\\u2026 WHATCH YOUR MOUTH - and Rodrigo returns.


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Top Ten in 2014\\n


Ant Man Trailer Reactions\\n


The Flash: Season Zero (2014-) #10\\n
Smoak Signals concludes! Can Barry save Felicity (and himself) from the mysterious Sky Lords?




Shaft #2\\n
Every great detective has their first case. For John\\n
Shaft, that first case seems simple enough. But tracking down a missing\\n
person for his girlfriend quickly turns into a matter of life and death.\\n
With the bodies piling up, Shaft realizes he\\u2019s in over his head. But\\n
can he stay alive long enough to figure out what is going on, or will\\n
his first case be the death of John Shaft?\\n


The Legend of Korra finale\\n


Avengers: No More Bullying #1\\n
The Avengers have always stood up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, but this time they\'re in for a bombastic adventure of the highest order! Featuring surprise guest stars from across the Marvel Universe including Spider-Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy! Face front, readers! You won\'t want to miss this one!\\n


Major Spoilers Poll of the Week\\n
There are a lot of great movies coming out in 2015, and though we know what movies are high on our radar, there are questions as to what movies you are most interested in seeing. Once again, we dive deep into the bucket to ponder why Milk Duds taste so good on buttery popcon, as we ask the all important theater going questions.\\n
[poll id="369\\u201d]


What If #4 - The Invaders had stayed together\\n
What If #34 - The Watcher were a stand up comedian\\n
What if #17 - Kraven the Hunter Had Killed Spider-Man


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