Major Spoilers Podcast #582: Manifest Destiny

Published: July 16, 2014, 4:31 a.m.


This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast - Skybound\\u2019s Manifest Destiny, Thor is going to be a girl, The Last Broadcast, Grimm Fairy Tales #100, Legend of Korra, and The Last Fall #1. Plus, Groot or Rocket Raccoon. You decide!


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Marvel announces Thor series\\n


New Look for Batgirl\\n


The Last Broadcast #3\\n
Writer(s): Andr\\xe9 Sirangelo\\n
Artist(s): Gabriel Iumazark\\n
Ivan, Harumi, and Niko venture back into Blackhall\\u2019s bunker, and this time, they stumble on more than they bargained for. As more secrets are revealed about the conspiracy surrounding the magician, the members of Backbone start to realize that this may be their most dangerous exploration yet.




Story by Joe Brusha, Ralph Tedesco, and Anthony Spay\\n
Written by Joe Brusha and Ralph Tedesco\\n
Artwork by Anthony Spay Colors by Ivan Nunes\\n
Letters by Jim Campbell Edited by Nicole Glade\\n
The LANDMARK issue of one of the hottest indie comics of the past decade has arrived! It all began with Sela Mathers, the Guardian of the Nexus, a woman tasked with teaching misguided humans right from wrong. But Sela\\u2019s struggles, her ups and downs, and the effects of those she\\u2019s helped and those she\\u2019s lost to darkness will all culminate in this epic 100th issue! Sela will take on the biggest threat she\\u2019s ever faced as the Dark Queen looks to plunge the Grimm Universe into an Age of Darkness.




Legend of Korra: Book 3: Change\\n
Book Three: Change is the title of the third book of The Legend of Korra, which will run for a total of thirteen episodes. Set two weeks after the end of Book Two: Spirits, the nomenclature refers to the changes induced by the energy shift of the planet due to Harmonic Convergence and Korra\'s battle with the Dark Avatar.




The Last Fall #1 (of 5)\\n
Writer: Tom Waltz \\n
Artist: Casey Maloney\\n
Marcus Fall is a battle-hardened soldier in a long-running inter-planetary war. After multiple combat tours, Fall is finally able to leave the military and return to his beloved wife and son. But his happy homecoming comes to a tragic end when a suicide bomber murders his family. Devastated, Fall returns to the war with one bloody mission in mind: revenge against the enemy\\u2026 every last one of them.




Major Spoilers Poll of the Week\\n
With the Guardians of the Galaxy just around the corner, it\\u2019s time to start thinking about who you want to dress up for your frightful festivities. Two particularly creepy costumes are those with the masks for Rocket Raccoon and Groot.



Discussion: Manifest Destiny Volume 1\\u2028
Writer: Chris Dingess\\u2028
Artist: Matthew Roberts\\u2028
Publisher: Image Comics/Skybound\\u2028
Cover Price: $9.99\\u2028
In 1804, Captain Meriwether Lewis and Second Lieutenant William Clark set out on an expedition to explore the uncharted American frontier. This is the story of what the monsters they discovered lurking in the wilds...


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