Major Spoilers Podcast #573: Megamovies!

Published: May 14, 2014, 5:43 a.m.


This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast, Channig Tatum is Gambit, DC hits the TV in a big way, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. plays the long game, and our reactions to the first look of Ben Affleck as Batman!


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Channing Tatum is Gambit\\n


First look at The Flash\\n


Constantine Trailer is here\\n


Agent Carter headed for mid-Season break - shield up for season 2\\n


Power Rangers Movie Franchise Announced\\n


Lumberjanes #2\\n
Writer(s): Grace Ellis, Noelle Stevenson\\n
Artist(s): Brooke Allen\\n
When you\\u2019re a scout, nothing is more important than being prepared, but how do you prepare for legions of supernatural creatures threatening to beat down your scouting camp\\u2019s door? Jo, April, Mal, Molly, and Ripley are about to find out! It\\u2019s just supposed to be a normal day at camp with games and a bit of canoeing, but when the girls find themselves separated from the rest of camp they realize there really is a lot more going on and it might be a unhelpful river monster that gives them the key to figuring everything out. Don\\u2019t miss out on the second issue of this hot new series from Noelle Stevenson, Grace Ellis, and Brooke Allen!


Written by JAMES ASMUS\\n
Art by KANO\\n
Quantum and Woody \\u2013 against the world\\u2026or against each other?!


Woody always had a weakness for the ladies\\u2026and when an old flame lures the goofus into a gang of mad-science super-crooks, Woody flips back to his old lawless ways! Where does this leave Woody\\u2019s sweet clone girlfriend? And now it\\u2019s up to his own brother Eric, who isn\\u2019t that sure he even wants to be a superhero, to bring Woody in! Don\\u2019t miss this bro-down for the ages!


Bee and PuppyCat #1\\n
Writer(s): Natasha Allegri, Garrett Jackson\\n
Artist(s): Natasha Allegri\\n
It\\u2019s a quirky new take on the magical girl genre with Bee, the forever unemployed main character who can\\u2019t seem to figure out life, and the mysterious PuppyCat, a stray\\u2026whatever it is\\u2026that she stumbled across who has a powerful secret. Fighting bad guys has never been so funny.


Writer: Jeremy Barlow\\n
Artist: Juan Frigeri\\n
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics\\n
Getting cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi and being rejected by his former Sith master Darth Sidious isn\\u2019t going to defeat Darth Maul. In fact, it only makes him mad enough to take on the galaxy\\u2014with an army of Mandalorians!


A part of The Clone Wars season 6 you never saw!


Major Spoilers Poll of the Week\\n
This week, the latest incarnation of Godzilla arrives in theaters. There are a number of giant monsters that have crawled out of the waters (or fell from the sky, or climbed out of some crevasse), and everyone has their favorite.


Ben Affleck as Batman\\n
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. skip the magic, go with the science.


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