Major Spoilers Podcast #569: Amazon buys comiXology

Published: April 16, 2014, 4:40 a.m.


This week on the Major Spoilers Podcast, Godzilla, ComiXology and Amazon, Nightwing, Star Trek, Astro City #11, Star Mage #1, Epic #0, and Skinned #1!


Amazon buys ComiXology\\n


Nightwing is now Grayson\\n


Star Mage #1 (of 6)\\n
JC De La Torre (w) \\u2022 Ray Dillon (a & c)\\n
Part One: \\u201cDarien\\u201d\\u2014JC De La Torre, author of the critically acclaimed novel Ancient Rising, gives us a new fusion of Science Fiction and Magic in Star Mage. In issue one, Darien Connors discovers he\\u2019s not from Earth, has strange magical powers and is the key in an ancient war between two alien races of necromancers. Like Harry Potter meets the Last Starfighter, Star Mage offers wizard battles with a side of spaceship warfare, alien worlds and weird creatures.\\n
FC \\u2022 32 pages \\u2022 $3.99




Astro City #11\\n
Writer: Kurt Busiek\\n
Artist: Brent Anderson\\n
Publisher: Vertigo\\n
When you\\u2019re the Silver Adept, one of Astro City\\u2019s newest and most powerful mystic heroes, your life is full of magic, battle, demons, apocalypses and more. When you\\u2019re the Adept\\u2019s personal assistant, though, life gets really weird. A look at the woman behind the hero. Plus: sushi.




Epic #0\\n
W) Tyler James (A) Matt Zolman, Fico Ossio (CA) Fico Ossio\\n
After a freak experiment gives teenager Eric Ardor incredible powers, he does what you would do...he puts on a costume and becomes EPIC! Super strength, speed, flight, optic\'s a fanboy\'s dream come true. Unfortunately, he\'s just discovered he has one weakness...pretty girls! While most boys his age lose their cool around the hotties, EPIC loses his powers! Living in Miami, home to the zaniest super-villains AND the most bikinis per capita in America, it\'s gonna be a problem\\u2026




Skinned #1\\n
Writer: Tim Daniel, Jeremy Holt\\n
Artist: Joshua Gowdy\\n
Iris is the perfect marriage of artificial intelligence and virtual reality, serving as the backbone for enhanced reality contact lenses that provide users with the perfect antidote to reality\\u2019s many maladies. From pop-culture inspired fantasies to manifestations of their personal imagining, they see the world precisely as they wish. To ensure societal tranquility, citizens of cView City are fitted with a pair of lenses at birth, but when Aldair\\u2013a teenage programming heiress\\u2013gets a glimpse of life with her own eyes, the world she once knew irrevocably changes forever.




Major Spoilers Poll of the Week\\n
This week, I\\u2019ve been thinking about the words uttered by Spock, and wonder what would happen if more people considered the Vulcan philosophy.


What is more important? The Needs of the Many or the Needs of the Few/One?



[poll id="332\\u201d]


Why is Godzilla still so popular?


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