Major Spoilers Podcast #499: Girl Genius

Published: Jan. 30, 2013, 8:05 a.m.




This week, on the Major Spoilers Podcast: It\'s the one before the big one, and two before the one after that! Celebrate the goofiness, with Girl Genius, Mars Attacks, Geek Girl, Orchid, and a bunch of other things, we know you\'ll find interesting.


\\n Jimmy Oslen is Jenny Olsen? \\n


Mars Attacks Zombies vs. Robots\\n
Writer: Chris Ryall\\n
Artist: John Rouch\\n
Publisher: IDW Publishing\\n
Cover Price: $3.99\\n
The only thing worse than Earth having an inter-dimensional stargate that led to the Zombies vs Robots catastrophe are Martians using one of their own to lead a sneak attack on Earth. But what will happen when zombies get a scent of those big, exposed Martian brains\\u2026? Zombie-Robot-Martian chaos from the co-creator of ZvR, Chris Ryall, and TMNT artist Andy Kuhn!\\n


GEEK-GIRL #0\\u2028
Writer: Sam Johnson\\u2028
Artist; Sally Stone-Thompson\\n
When \\u2018Little Miss Popular\\u2019 Ruby Kaye lands a pair of super-tech glasses (invented by brainiac college geek Trevor Goldstein) in a game of Strip Poker, she\\u2019s granted flight, super-strength, and \\u2013 due to a flaw in the glasses\\u2019 programming \\u2013 super-klutziness! And this is just the beginning of the changes the glasses will wreak on Ruby\\u2026\\n
Geek-Girl #0, is published by Actuality Press is available now in $2.50 Regular and Variant Editions and $1.00 Digital/Kindle Editions \\u2013 along with Mr. Mash-Up #0 \\u2013 at\\n


ORCHID #12\\n
The fight for freedom ends here!\\n
Will the downtrodden Bridge People find the strength to succeed in their uprising against the oppressive elite? Will Orchid rally her vicious Valks to victory over the fascist dictator Tomo Wolfe? Answers to these questions and more in the stunning conclusion to Tom Morello\\u2019s fantastical science-fiction class-war epic!\\n


MIND MGMT #7\\u2028
Writer: Matt Kindt\\u2028
Artist: Matt Kindt\\n
We\\u2019ve learned some of the secrets of Henry Lyme; now get ready to meet the rest of MIND MGMT, beginning with the Ad Man! With the remains of MIND MGMT on Lyme\\u2019s tail, the former spy is forced to seek help from other defectors.




Major Spoilers Poll of the Week\\n
Today, while driving through my sleepy little down, I spotted one of those \\u201cinspirational\\u201d window stickers proclaiming the three things you need in life. Do we really need three? Isn\\u2019t there more to life than that? And if there are more, is there one that is more important than the other?\\n
[poll id="270"]




Discussion: \\n
Girl Genius volume 01\\n
Meet Agatha Clay, Transylvania Polygnostic University student with the drive to create... and the worst luck in the world! This collection reprints the first volume of the Hugo Award-winning series, now in full-color to match the rest of the collections!


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