Major Spoilers Podcast #432: Podcastnauts

Published: Aug. 1, 2012, 6:33 a.m.



In this issue: Dickens and Serling are all jumbled up, and it is up to the Fictionauts to save the day! Plus, X-Men, the Shadow, Harvest and Idolized all go under the microscope.


Beware the Batman gets toned down by Warner Bros. LINK


We Want You\\n


Written by GARTH ENNIS\\n
Exactly who the Shadow might be- or who he once was- is the subject of some grim speculation by Taro Kondo and Buffalo Wong, but the answer may be closer than either suspects. Meanwhile, Cranston and Margo come face to face with the full horror of the Japanese occupation\\u2026 and on the River Yangtze, a deadly ambush awaits the unwary.




Harvest #1 (of 5)\\n
Human traffickers. Rogue medical teams. Yakuza run organ mills and a six year-old drug fiend. Welcome to Dr. Benjamin Dane\\u2019s nightmare. His only way out? Bring down the man who set him up by reclaiming organs already placed in some very powerful people. If Dexter, ER and 100 Bullets had a three-way and that mind blowing tryst somehow resulted in a kid, that kid would read HARVEST. Medical Grade Revenge.




IDOLIZED #1\\u2028
David Schwartz \\xac Writer / Micah Gunnell \\xac Art / David Curiel \\u2013 Colors\\n
Aspen Comics proudly presents their first ever super-hero series, IDOLIZED!\\n
What would a real world filled with superheroes look like? In this all-new series it gets ugly, as a young, girl-next door named Joule reveals her tortured past and her desperate attempt for revenge\\u2039all while auditioning in front of the cameras and judges of the hot new TV show \\xb3SuperHero Idol\\xb2!\\n
IDOLIZED begins here, as we experience the initial audition that will make Joule a household name in homes across America, and we begin to learn the secrets she is hiding may lead to her shocking downfall!\\n
Written and created by David Schwartz, with gorgeous art by Micah Gunnell and David Curiel, and featuring a cover by the legendary Art Adams, and a photo cover starring Supermodel Rachel Clark, you won\\u2019t want to miss out on this innovative new series only from Aspen Comics!\\n


GREG PAK (w) \\u2022 STEPHEN SEGOVIA (a)\\n
\\u2022 Travel the multiverse with Captain Howlett, Kid Nightcrawler, and Emmeline Frost\\n
\\u2022 Which X-Men will be lost between dimensions\\u2026with no guaranteed way home?


Major Spoilers Poll of the Week\\n
After seeing an army of Poppinses fighting off He Who Shall Not Be Named, it got us thinking \\u2013 who would win in an epic battle between Gandalf the Gray and Voldermort?




Discussion: \\n
They\\u2019ve battled, Moby Dick, matched wits with Dickens, and befriended a kingdom of evolved sea monkeys! They\\u2019re the genre hopping heroes of Hypercity \\u2013 the FICTIONAUTS!\\n
Fantasy is a serious business for this team, as they scour fictional worlds to right dangerous anomalies and preserve the balance between reality and imagination. But recently, a rash of unexplained disturbances across the fictional universe has started to tear it apart, and they face the ultimate challenge when the mysterious Agent X threatens to bring down the barriers between our world and the world of stories. Dive headlong into the madcap, mind-bending world of the FICTIONAUTS!


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