Major Spoilers Podcast #412: Ultraduck

Published: May 23, 2012, 5:47 a.m.


Major Spoilers Podcast 417


In this issue: Ducks with powers, DC announces new gay character, and Blue Beetle gets a moment in the spotlight.


The First X-Men arrive in August\\n


Smoke and Mirrors #3\\n
MAGIC IS REAL-BUT SLEIGHT OF HAND IS KING! Stage magician Terry Ward makes his way in a world of sorcery using only his skills and his wits! But will that prove to me enough when the dangers of the world start compounding?




Twenty-four years ago, Hellboy took mild-mannered Professor O\\u2019Donnell to the secret library of a recently dead necromancer. Since that day, O\\u2019Donnell has been the Bureau\\u2019s expert on the powerful ancient forces intent on ending the age of man. Find out what O\\u2019Donnell saw in this supernatural thrill ride.\\n


Invincible Iron Man #517\\u2028
If Tony Stark isn\'t Iron Man, then who\'s the guy in the suit?\\n
Zeke Stane digs for he truth\\n
Spymaster racks up his victims




Major Spoilers Poll of the Week


As DC continues its New 52 reboot, and Earth-2 is coming on line, there is the potential to have multiple characters running around with the same name.\\xa0 Blue Beetle is one of those characters that has fractured fans across the ages \\u2013 some prefer the Golden Age, others Ted Kord, while still others prefer Jamie Reyes.


[poll id="235"]




Discussion: \\n
Carlos, a regular duck living in the great city of Featherbay, just got dumped by his girlfriend, his life as a freelance do-it-all is going nowhere and must make some grown up decisions: to get a real job, get his girl back and stop drinking. That is, until he gets super powers and becomes the only duck in the world who can stop a powerful creature who\\u2019s destroying the city on a vengeful rampage, and an evil weapons manufacturing corporation who want his abilities.


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