Major Spoilers Podcast #311: Relaunch Live Chat

Published: June 15, 2011, 5:11 a.m.


Major Spoilers Podcast 311


This week on the show: Movie studios avoiding Comic Con, The Major Spoilers Crew chats with listeners regarding the DC Relaunch, and Scott Wegener of Atomic Robo fame drops in for a quick hello.


Major Studios not attending convention?\\n


Red Robin #24\\n
Written by FABIAN NICIEZA\\u2028
Art and cover by MARCUS TO and RAY MCCARTHY\\n
To survive the Assassination Tournament, Red Robin must survive an attack from Scarab\'s Covenant of Ka, make it to Russia in time to rescue a critically injured oligarch, track the mercenary Promise and come to an unexpected confrontation with the mysterious sister of Ra\'s al Ghul!




Witch Doctor #1\\u2028
It\'s a sick world \\u2014 literally. The universe is a living thing, and the monsters of legend are its parasites. Earth\\u2019s immune system \\u2014 humanity \\u2014 has been at war with supernature for all of history. But to fight a disease, you don\\u2019t need soldiers. You need doctors.\\n
Doctors like Vincent Morrow, excommunicated from the medical community and headhunted into an exciting new career in the black arts. Morrow serves the world with both hands \\u2014 one in magic, one in medicine \\u2014 as earth\\u2019s protector. Earth\\u2019s Witch Doctor.\\n
It\\u2019s a sick world \\u2014 he\\u2019s here to treat it.\\n


Crysis # 1 (of 6)\\u2028
Richard K. Morgan (w) \\u2022 Peter Bergting (a & c)


From the lead writer of the Crysis 2 video game!Set in the world of the award-winning Crysis games comes the newest hit series from EA Comics!\\n
Earth, 2020. United States Special Forces Major Laurence \\u201cProphet\\u201d Barnes and the soldiers of Raptor Team thought their deployment on the Lingshan islands was a basic covert op against North Korean forces.\\xa0\\xa0But they couldn\\u2019t be more wrong. What archaeologists awakened on the island had lain buried for millions of years, and was utterly hostile to human life. \\xa0Now an alien race are stirring, first contact has turned into humanity\'s worst nightmare, and Prophet\'s squad are the last remaining survivors. \\xa0Only one real question remains - can Prophet get his people off Lingshan alive, and back to civilization in time to warn the rest of the human race what\'s on its way.\\n


Back in the 1985, the Coca-Cola company made the decision to change its secret formula and unleash New Coke upon the world.\\xa0 That decision backfired, but fortunately, the company was prepared with Coke Classic, which has continued as the company\'s most popular drink.\\n
This week, we want to know are you a New Coke, or Coke Classic fan?\\n
Coke Classic\\n
New Coke\\n
Hey, You can\'t fool us, we know you\'re making a reference to DC\'s Relaunch news!\\n
Okay, you got us...\\n
[poll id="187"]




DC Relaunch Live!\\n
We\\u2019re making a change to the Major Spoilers Podcast this week. Instead of a regular show, we will be doing a live show, featuring your call ins!


DC Comics has released the complete solicitations for September that features all of the new issues coming from the company. Here is your chance to call in and talk with us about the changes.


We\\u2019ll also have other topics for discussion, as well as an open line time that you can call in to talk about anything and everything.


Contact us at


Call the Major Spoilers Hotline at (785) 727-1939.


A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.
