Major Spoilers #33: All Conned Out...

Published: July 30, 2008, 5:34 a.m.


San Diego Comic Con Long Halloween


This time around: The SDCC without SD? DK2, all for you? Thunderbolts are go! The scion of Asgard meets the sons of the plains! The young Dark Knight meets an ancient ritual! And we ask that musical question: Was the Satellite of Love better before the crate of Hamdingers? Plus: can anyone make Matthew give a rat\\u2019s hindquarters about Bullseye and Venom? I wouldn\\u2019t bet the rent, but you might make a sandwich and settle in, it\\u2019s our thirty-third gala escapade.


Reactions to Comic Con International: San Diego\\n


Should the convention move?\\n


Major Spoilers is giving away the Frank Miller inspired Limited Edition Dark Knight 2 Statue. You can win it and all it takes is a picture.\\n


\\nRodrigo: Thor #10\\n
\\nJ. Michael Straczynski and Olivier Coipel\\u2019s unstoppable new vision of Thor barrels on stronger than ever! As the Asgardians returned to this life and Thor returned to Midgard, so came the ills that have plagued the gods and man for millennia. Now for the first time since their rebirth, Thor and his fellow hero-gods are venturing forth from the Shining City to confront the growing evils that amass on their horizon\\u2026and within their walls\\u2026\\n
4 out of 5 Stars


Stephen: The Dreamland Chronicles #1\\n
\\nThe Dreamland Chronicles is a webcomic created by Scott Christian Sava, about a boy who returns to a realm of dreams after eight years and discovers that his childhood friends there have grown up.\\n
4 out of 5 Stars


Matthew: Thunderbolts #122\\n
\\nSECRET INVASION strikes Thunderbolts Mountain as Captain Marvel attacks! But when you\'re dealing with the Thunderbolts, it\'s never quite clear who\'s the villain and who\'s the hero...Also, another unexpected visitor shows up, threatening to tear the T-Bolts apart from within! Can Norman Osborn hold his team of damaged psyches and tortured souls together, or is this the end of the Thunderbolts as we know them? Part 1 of 4.\\n
4 out of 5 Stars


Poll of the Week:\\n
How do you like your Mystery Science Theater 3000?\\n
A) Joel Robinson\\n
B) Mike Nelson\\n


Batman: The Long Halloween
\\nTaking place during Batman\'s early days of crime fighting, this collection tells the story of a mysterious killer who murders his prey only on holidays. Working with District Attorney Harvey Dent and Lieutenant James Gordon, Batman races against the calendar as he tries to discover who Holiday is before he claims his next victim each month. A mystery that has the reader continually guessing the identity of the killer, this story also ties into the events that transform Harvey Dent into Batman\'s deadly enemy, Two-Face.


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Music from this episode comes from Ookla the Mok. You can visit them on the web at and purchase their music at the iTunes Music Store.


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