Dueling Review: Mark Waid's Green Hornet #1

Published: March 27, 2013, 11:47 p.m.


This week, Matthew and Stephen sit down and examine Mark Waid\'s Green Hornet #1 from Dynamite Entertainment. A book filled with homages to pop culture, why Kato goes by Kato, and corruption at every level.


2942274-waidgh01_page_coverMARK WAID\'S GREEN HORNET #1\\n
\\n Writer: Mark Waid\\n
\\n Art: Daniel Indro\\n
\\n Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment\\n
The Hornet faces his most dangerous enemy ever--an egotistical, arrogant Britt Reid! In his alter-ego as a powerful newspaper publisher, the Hornet has lost control, becoming a social crusader far too sure of himself and of his judgment. But when he finally goes too far, an innocent man pays a terrible price--and the legend of the Green Hornet begins its cataclysmic collapse


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