Hunger to Hope 2016

Published: Oct. 9, 2016, 10 a.m.


We invite you to partner with us in our 2016 Campaign.

Our goal for H2H 2016 is to raise $30,000 (or more) to provide 100 amazing Christmas Hampers to families in need in our community \\u2013 with the average cost of a hamper being $300 (providing Christmas dinner & extra food supplies for the holidays, along with gifts for the kids).
Around 70 families will be referred directly through our partnership with McCammon & Central Elementary Schools, with the remaining 30 families will being referred through our Main Street Church community.

Here are some of the ways you can partner with H2H 2016.
Give to the Goal
Give towards the $30,000 goal between October 9-October 31.
*The entire $30,000 will be used to purchase all of the food and gifts.
*We are NOT collecting dry/canned food donations this year.
If a business/individual wishes to provide a specific item (like milk, buns, oranges, poinsettias\\u2026) for all (100) of the hampers we are open to that.

Click the GIVE button to give to the Hunger To Hope Campaign on the Main Street App or Online.

Refer a Family
*Referral forms will be available through the churchat the beginning of November (once our donation amount confirms how many hampers we can do).
- You must attend Main Street Church to be able to refer a family for a hamper, but the recipient family doesn\\u2019t need to attend our church.
- Permission to refer must be given by the family first.
- Families are not permitted to refer themselves.

*Adopt-Pray-Deliver: Groups & Individuals are welcome to \\u2018Adopt\\u2019 a family (or more) that they refer to us, or that we assign to them. Adopting this family means that you commit to Praying for this family during the weeks leading up to Christmas, and it means that you will Deliver their Hamper to them on D-Day (Saturday, December 10th).

Serve with the H2H Team
*Along with Delivery Drivers on D-Day our Admin Team will need a certain number of volunteers to help with gift-shopping and hamper-prep in early December.
*If you are interested in helping please contact us.

If you are interested in partnering with us in any of these ways please contact us.

Staff Contact:
Eryn Moore\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t
Community Life Pastor\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t
