Paranormal Pennsylvania, Kecksburg UFO Crash, Nazi Flying Saucer Toys|114|

Published: July 6, 2018, 2:50 a.m.


There\'s an area in PA called Chestnut Ridge\\xa0that\'s been infested with paranormal activity for the last hundred years or so. Bigfoot, UFOs, Dogmen, and prehistoric flying creatures known as Thunderbirds have all made an appearance. We take a look at some of these stories and wonder if there are some areas more prone to supernatural occurrences than others.\\xa0

Most notable of these stories is The Kecksburg UFO Incident that occurred on Dec. 9th, 1965. Something fell from the sky in the small farming community of Kecksburg, PA, but what was it? A meteor, a downed Russian satellite? Or was it something more down-to-earth, yet even more fascinating? Can you say top-secret Nazi technology? We knew you could.\\xa0 \\xa0\\xa0

Speaking of Nazis, toy company Revell recently pulled their Haunebu II flying saucer model kits from store shelves for "teaching kids that the Nazis achieved space travel."

Umm... okay? Maybe they should ask NASA to chime in on this one, since many of their top scientists during the space race were... wait for it... Nazis. Should we now ban all model rocket kits too?\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0
