Hitler Bunker Debunking Debunked, Power of Positive Conspiracy Thinking, Steampunk GPS, Kubrick & Tarkovsky & Freddy Krueger |113|

Published: June 14, 2018, 2:43 a.m.


Have scientists debunked all these "Hitler survived" conspiracies and definitively proved - once for all - that the Nazi leader did indeed die in the bunker in 1945, just as the history books have always told us?

Or, does this so-called proof raise even more questions than it answers? Case definitely NOT closed... in our humble opinion.

The cinematic genius of Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky, existential angst, prophecy, and the subconscious mind. And, of course, what kind of film discussion would it be without mentioning Kubrick... and Freddy Krueger?

Sick of all the negativity these days? Try shifting your thinking to a more positive mindset. Can this work for conspiracy theorists as well? Yes it can! ;-)\\xa0
