MacVoices #20160: MacVoices Live - WWDC Review with a Super-Panel of Experts (2)

Published: June 25, 2020, 6:35 p.m.

MacVoices Live took on the task of reviewing the Apple announcements from WWDC with an amazing all-star super-panel of Jeff GametMarina EpelmanMark FuccioFrank PetrieJim ReaMichael T. RoseBrittany SmithBrett Terpstra, and Frederick Van Johnson. The first part of our discussion includes reaction to the first virtual WWDC keynote, the delivery of information, and why the group would like to see this trend continue. The move to Apple Silicon aka ARM, questions over virtualization capabilities, the transition period, and how long before Intel support becomes a thing of the past. (Part 1).

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Show Notes:


Jeff Gamet is the author of Fresh Brewed Tales, a chronicle of Jeff's strange adventures at coffee shops. You can find his regular updates on Twitter

By day, Marina Epelman is a professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan. By night, she shoots the breeze about using Apple devices, Soviet throwbacks, and other subjects on social media at @marinaepelman.

Mark Fuccio is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as an marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through Twitter on LinkedIn.

Frank Petrie is an author and contributor to ScreenCastsOnline Magazine. Follow him on Twitter and check out his web site,

Jim Rea has been a Mac developer since 1984, founder of  ProVUE Development, author of OverVUE, Panorama, SiteWarrior & Power Team.

Michael T. Rose began his Mac-centric career with a decade-plus stint in editorial technology at Entertainment Weekly & LIFE magazines, starting as a college intern right around when the Mac IIx was launched. After leaving the print publishing world, Mike worked as an IT lead and creative director for an NYC events and marketing agency. In 2013 he switched trains once again, and now enjoys his #dreamjob at Salesforce as a lead solution engineer. From 2006 to early 2015, Mike was a proud editor and contributor at The Unofficial Apple Web Log (TUAW), now folded into Engadget. Mike & his family live in Brooklyn, NY. You can find him on Twitter.

Brittany Smith is a cognitive neuroscientist who provides a variety of consulting services through her business, Devise and Conquer that includes ADD/ADHD coaching, technology coaching, productivity consulting, and more. She is a self-designated “well-rounded geek” who can be found on Twitter as @addliberator. Her latest project is Jedi Yoga

Brett Terpstra is a coder, writer and web developer. He works behind the scenes at blogs including Engadget, Joystiq and The Unofficial Apple Weblog. He also writes for The Unofficial Apple Weblog, and contributes to Macworld. Brett develops Marked for Mac and recently co-authored “60 Mountain Lion Tips” with David Sparks for the iBookstore. He discusses all things “nerd” on his podcasts, Systematic and Overtired.You can find Brett as “ttscoff” on Twitter, and at his website,

Frederick Van Johnson is a professional photographer host of This Week in Photo, and founder of the TWiP Network - one of the world’s most popular photography-related podcast media properties. Frederick also consults on marketing with a number of photography industry companies. Frederick began his career as a Combat Photojournalist in the United States Air Force, where he served for 8 years, and was decorated many times for photography. Frederick’s unit was among the first in the military to receive, and put into daily action early digital imaging hardware and software. As a result, he was awarded the Air Force Commendation medal for his key role in facilitating the US Air Force transition from film to digital. After the military, Frederick went on to study visual communication at the University of California in Santa Barbara, California. Frederick also studied at Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, where he ultimately became Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Frederick was also a key member of team responsible for the development of iPhoto, Apple’s award-winning photo management application. Highly knowledgeable on multiple disciplines of photography, technology, and Internet trends – Frederick is able to discuss how emerging trends and technologies effect and benefit both amateur and professional photographers. Frederick is also author of the popular book “Global Mobile, Connecting without Wires, Walls, or Borders”. Today Frederick lives in Sacramento, California, and continues to practice photography whenever possible. He has also been known to sneak in playing a game or two on his PlayStation or flying his drone from time to time. You can follow him on Twitter


Apple WWDC 2020 Keynote


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