MacVoices #20138: Glenn Fleishman Takes Control of Zoom (Part 2)

Published: May 19, 2020, 6:28 p.m.

The second part of our conversation with Glenn Fleishman the author of the new Take Control of Zoom from Take Control Books, gets into a discussion of Zoom security, how they have dealt with some of the missteps, and how comfortable you can be using it. Zoom has done an amazing job of handling the, literally, millions of users COVID-19 sent their way. Glenn and Chuck discuss why Zoom beat out some well-entrenched competition, how that competition is trying to catch up, the recording options, and much more.

This edition of MacVoices is supported by MacPaw, the makers of CleanMyMac X.Your Mac. Good as new. Find out more and get your copy at

Show Notes:


Glenn Fleishman is a Seattle-based technology journalist and two-time winner on Jeopardy. He write largely about where technology crosses with people's lives, as well as exhaustive technology explanations. At Macworld, he authors the Mac 911 user-help column. He has contributed to the Economist since 2005, including nearly 400 online blog posts and articles, as well as Fast Company, MIT Technology Review, Boing Boing, TidBITS, Six Colors, and others. You can find him on Twitter as @glennf, and check out everything else at his blog


Every Zoom Security and Privacy Flaw So Far, and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself by Glenn Fleishman on TidBITS


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