Ryan Avent is an economics columnist with The Economist magazine and is a previous guest of Macro Musings. He joins the show today to talk about some of his recent columns including work on hyperinflation, the Green New Deal, and Fed policy. David and Ryan also discuss the growing popularity of Modern Monetary Theory, the Fed\u2019s dovish change in direction, and why hyperinflation is so devastating to a nation\u2019s economy.
Transcript for the episode:\xa0https://www.mercatus.org/bridge/podcasts/03112019/hyperinflation-and-mmt
Ryan\u2019s Twitter: @ryanavent
Ryan\u2019s Economist profile: http://mediadirectory.economist.com/people/ryan-avent/
Related Links:
*Hyperinflations Can End Quickly, Given the Right Sort of Regime Change* by Ryan Avent
*Taking the Fed at its Word: Direct Estimation of Central Bank Objectives using Text Analytics* by Adam Shapiro & Daniel Wilson
David\u2019s blog: macromarketmusings.blogspot.com
David\u2019s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth