134 Neil Irwin on the Invisible Recession, Monetary Regimes, and the Current Issues Facing the Fed

Published: Nov. 26, 2018, 9 a.m.

Neil Irwin is a senior economics correspondent for the New York Times and was formerly a columnist at the Washington Post. He is the author of the book, *The Alchemist: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire*, and he joins the show today to talk about his work as an economics correspondent. David and Neil also discuss the invisible recession of 2016, how monopsony power affects labor market wage setting, and the political fallout from the Great Recession.


Transcript for the episode:\xa0https://www.mercatus.org/bridge/podcasts/11262018/economic-journalism-recession-economics-and-international-monetary-policies


Neil\u2019s Twitter: @Neil_Irwin

Neil\u2019s New York Times profile: https://www.nytimes.com/by/neil-irwin


Related Links:


*The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire* by Neil Irwin



*The Policymakers Saved the Financial System. And America Never Forgave Them* by Neil Irwin



*The Most Important Least Noticed Economic Event of the Decade* by Neil Irwin



*Are Superstar Firms and Amazon Effects Reshaping the Economy?* by Neil Irwin



*Exchange Arrangements Entering the 21st Century: Which Anchor Will Hold?*



*What Recovery? The Case for Continued Expansionary Policy at the Fed* by J.W. Mason



David\u2019s blog: macromarketmusings.blogspot.com

David\u2019s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth