LYL #086: How to let go of a story of regret

Published: Aug. 19, 2019, 11 a.m.

Today we’re going to talk about regret—and what it does to your vibration and point of attraction.

This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn…

  • How to know if you’re stuck in regret
  • What happens when you keep reactivating the vibration of regret
  • Why my client’s decision to turn down a job offer three years ago is an issue today
  • Why regret might be playing a role in attracting bad relationships that all have a similar theme
  • The choice you have between creating something wanted in your present or mis-creating something unwanted from your past
  • Three questions you can ask to let go of your story of regret
  • My own personal story of a regret I deactivated and got out of my vibration

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