Within Us

Published: March 29, 2020, 10 a.m.

b"One Prayer --- John 17:24-26 \\nWhere do you feel the Presence of God? Now more than ever its important to understand that the Presence isn't something you feel in one gathering place for an hour or so on Sunday. Jesus closes his longest recorded prayer wanting us to know him so that in turn, he can be with us. That's where the Presence is today. We bring it wherever we go. So while we may feel more separated during this time, nothing can separate from the love of God. And we can still share that with our communities even the doors of the Varsity are shut for a while. This week, we also welcome back worship in song from our many talented musicians! \\n\\nTriangle Prayer -\\xa0https://triangleprayer.org\\nTABLE NC -\\xa0https://tablenc.org\\nConnect Card -\\xa0https://lovechapelhill.com/messages/c...\\nGive -\\xa0https://lovechapelhill.com/give"