Who Do You Say I Am? - Palm Sunday 2021

Published: March 28, 2021, 10 a.m.

b"Matthew --- Matthew 16:13-28, 17:1-9 \\nIt's Palm Sunday! Justin takes the pulpit as we kick off our second Holy Week in this digital format. We follow the Disciples as they begin to understand the enormity of the truth of the man they follow. Jesus is not a just a prophet. He is the Son of Man written about in the days of Daniel. He stands beside Moses and Elijah transfigured by the glory of Heaven. And the salvation he brings is not violence to the Romans on the behalf of one people. It is violence inflicted on him BY the Romans on behalf of ALL people. Jesus is so much more than his own closest followers could imagine. Who would you say Jesus is to you? \\nConnect Card - https://lovechapelhill.com/messages/connect-card\\nGive - https://lovechapelhill.com/give\\nTABLE NC - https://tablenc.org\\nSpotify: Worship with LCH - https://spoti.fi/32hAmgn"