This Is Jesus - Palm Sunday 2020

Published: April 5, 2020, 10 a.m.

b'Holy Week --- Matthew 21:1-11 \\nCrowds. Celebration. The energy of the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It\'s Palm Sunday and we\'re feeling anything but that during this time of isolation. But it\'s important to note that Jesus wasn\'t on his way to victory over his enemies, and the people crying "Hosanna" would soon demand the release of a criminal rather than let Jesus escape Roman custody. This is Jesus. Riding a symbol of peace into chaos. We\'re in the midst of a different kind of chaos, but we\'re worshiping the same Jesus. That Jesus meets the desperate where they are and offers hope and comfort. He wasn\'t what people expected as a Messiah then. And he can redeem our own chaos in unexpected ways, too.\\nTriangle Prayer -\\nTABLE NC -\\nConnect Card -\\nGive -'