The Hidden Treasure/The Pearl of Great Price

Published: Jan. 29, 2023, 10 a.m.

b'Parables of Jesus --- Matthew 13:44-46 \\nThe Kingdom of God: Bad economics. Well, maybe as we see them today. The effortless charm exquisitely layering the keen mind of Pastor Allison (whose husband is getting close to admit these descriptions are getting out of hand, but not today) encourages us to see what has changed. Jesus\\u2019s parables of people who sell all they have for unknown wealth may begin like tales of the compulsive greed of the privileged. They could be precautions against unwise investments. Yet, turning it upside-down, here are people who discovered something so precious that their identity changed as a result. The rich became poor. The unsafe became the goal. Such is the call of Jesus. Would you cast away your nets? Or would you leave sad when you see the bill? \\nConnect Card -\\nAll Things Sunday -\\nGive -'