The Bridge-Building Troublemaker

Published: Nov. 22, 2020, 10 a.m.

b"Kingdom Tide --- Luke 3:2-15 \\nWith Advent just around the corner, this week we are closing out our series in the Prophets. Fittingly, we look at the ministry of John the Baptist: the last voice of prophesy before the coming of Christ himself. By embodying the spirit of the Prophets of old and being the man to baptize Jesus as God's Son, John bridges the gap between prophesy and fulfillment. But more than that, he did what the people of faith proclaiming the Word of God always do. He got into trouble with the powerful. The fight for righteousness and justice goes on. It will always take the courage of those willing to put their life on the line against the mighty who would prefer us complacent. \\nConnect Card -\\nSpotify: Worship with LCH -\\nTriangle Prayer -\\nTABLE NC -\\nGive -"