The Battle with Temptation

Published: Jan. 16, 2022, 10 a.m.

b"Into the Wild --- Luke 4:1-13 \\nWe're happy to have Alayna return to speak the message today on this snowed-in virtual service! We're covering the temptation of Jesus in the desert just before he kicks off his 3-year ministry. It's important to note that the devil doesn't tempt Christ with anything evil or inherently sinful. Food, water, easy revelation of his power for the sake of his ministry -- All these things seem, on the surface, as furthering his mission. Yet Jesus knew the will of God and what his true mission on Earth entailed. This was a temptation to stray from God's path, which is likely a much easier temptation we can face today. It may be obvious to avoid evil deeds to others as a follower of Christ, but be careful giving into the more subtle temptation to take the easy way out of carrying your own cross and following the Lord. \\nConnect Card -\\nAll Things Sunday -\\nGive -"