Page 3... And Love Chapel Hill's 14th Anniversary!

Published: Oct. 8, 2023, 10 a.m.

b'Pgs. 1-3 --- Genesis 3 \\nAnd just like that, we\\u2019re 14. Happy Anniversary once again, Love Chapel Hill! We\\u2019re also finishing our series on Genesis this week with the sobering reminder that the idyllic relationship between humanity, Earth, and God we saw in the first two pages doesn\\u2019t last the first generation. Whether you read the Fall literally or not, we\\u2019ve always agreed that we live in no Eden, haven\\u2019t we? Pastor Justin rounds us off with the four D\\u2019s of Page 3, which blessedly end in a little hope for the future. \\nSunday:\\nConnect:\\nGive:'