
Published: Dec. 11, 2022, 10 a.m.

b"The Coming of the King --- Matthew 1:1-17 \\nWho was the child born in Bethlehem? How do you begin the the story of Jesus? Matthew begins it like many in his day would expect, even if we would not. It is a genealogy; a list of dependents that in their naming tells the twisting tale of Jesus' family. Part of Jesus' identity to the people was the account of where he came from. It's the same with us. We all come from something. But take joy in the power of God's grace and/or redemption that established you here, as a part of God's community! And that no matter wherever you come from, know that you are the pride and joy of his kingdom. \\nConnect Card -\\nAll Things Sunday -\\nGive -"