"I Am the Light of the World"

Published: March 17, 2019, 10 a.m.

b"Imagine God --- John 9:1-11 \\nNOTE: The beginning got cut off here. Matt is talking about St. Patrick during the first few minutes. \\nImagine seeing light for the first time after a lifetime of darkness. Jesus gives that gift to a man in a very much literal manner. The story of the healing of the blind man would be a beautiful sign of Christ's redemption if it ended there, but it takes a surprising turn. Suddenly, the man is interrogated by the religious authorities. A miracle is used as a tool of condemnation aimed at Jesus. And we find those proud scholars that could look right at the Light of the World could still be blind to it. Who are you here? Remember that those who were so sure at what they saw ended up seeing none of it."