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Published: June 20, 2021, 10 a.m.

b"1 Samuel 2:1-10 \\nOur Connections Pastor connects with us this week with the message! He reminds us that before Jesus, there was Jesus's lineage We often think of David as the key figure in Christ's line, but remember that David was a forgotten sibling tending sheep before Samuel recognized the boy's destiny and anointed him king. Samuel is the son of Hannah, a barren wife sharing her home with a fruitful one. The hopeless pain of Hannah's situation repeats throughout the Bible and even in our own lives as well. Yet Hannah, in her faithfulness, got up from her situation and changed her prayer from pleading to resolve. She spoke in the language of discipline and covenant to God. God's returning faithfulness made her life one of joy and set her as one of the most important catalysts in the line of Jesus. \\nConnect Card -\\nAll Things Sunday -\\nGive -"