Epiphany: Manifestation

Published: Jan. 6, 2019, 10 a.m.

b"Epiphany 2019 --- Matthew 2:1-12 \\nIt's always a pleasure to have Pastor Dan back on stage with us, and this week is no exception!\\nToday we celebrate Epiphany, where foreign Magi confirm Jesus as King having seen and followed the new Star in the sky over Bethlehem. The story asks a lot of our faith. A moving celestial body, sorcerers, a warning from a dream. Is it important to believe all of these signs? Christianity is embodied by the bold proclamation that Christ is the Son of God and that the signs, miracles, and prophesies that occurred during his life is a testament to that belief. The Magi represent one of the first outside confirmation of the Christian mission: Come and see, go and tell. They saw miracles nations away that confirmed something incredible had happened, saw the child, and believed."