Blind Eyes and Broken Walls

Published: Feb. 16, 2020, 10 a.m.

b"Jesus People --- Mark 10:46-52 \\nAlmost a millennium and a half after Joshua and the people of Israel put their trust in God to bring down the walls of Jericho, we find ourselves in the historic city again. The echos of those broken walls can be heard here in the healing of Bartimaeus the blind man. This time, though, it was the faith of a desperate beggar that tear through walls put in place by the very society that grew from Joshua and his armies. And unfortunately his condition is still a familiar one to us all these centuries later. Remember that Christ sought out the marginalized like Bartimaeus while Jesus's own followers scorned him. Most of all, remember that you yourself are the Bartimaeus in this story. You understand that your own salvation is completely dependent on Jesus's mercy."