Afraid of God's Grace

Published: Oct. 11, 2020, 10 a.m.

b"Kingdom Tide --- Jonah 3:1-10 \\nWe continue our fall series on the Prophets by observing the ministry of Jonah. Most are familiar with the drama of Jonah's fleeing from his mission to Nineveh, particularly with the account of his brief residence in a giant fish. But let's focus on the motivations of Jonah's flight. It's not the Assyrians' reaction to him publicly denouncing their behavior that Jonah admits to fearing. He feared they would actually listen and God would show mercy to a people Jonah wanted to see punished. The revival in Nineveh doesn't begin with the repentance of the people. It begins with the repentance of Jonah. If we are to be the catalysts for revival that we desperately need, we too need to examine our own place in culture today and repent of the fallen ways that got us here. \\nConnect Card -\\nSpotify: Worship with LCH -\\nTriangle Prayer -\\nTABLE NC -\\nGive -"