Abide in Me

Published: Nov. 18, 2018, 10 a.m.

b'Garden Soul --- John 15:1-8 \\nIt\'s been said many times before that Chapel Hill is a transient community. You would be hard pressed to find someone who has been here more than a decade or so. The word "abide" in this passage refers to an "abode" or a place to call home. Maybe Chapel Hill isn\'t really that for you. As Christians, if we are to bear fruit we must abide in the Vine. Now that\'s always home. We draw our strength from the words of Christ and our faith in God. Is this invitation to dependence comforting to you? Or is it a challenge?\\nAlso, we hear from Seth, Annalise, and Lydia about a new church plant we\'ve partnered with in Charleston, SC: Harbor Town Church!'