The End (For Now) of an Era. (Official Hiatus Announcement)

Published: Sept. 21, 2020, 1:17 a.m.


[Transcription Below]

Hi everyone, Erin Kyan here. I\\u2019m the creator of Love and Luck, and I\\u2019m afraid I come with some sad news.

COVID19 has had an immense effect on everyone, in so many ways. No one is unaffected, and that includes us. Fortunately I can reassure you that as of this message, no one in our team has been infected with the disease, but that doesn\\u2019t mean that life continues on like always.

The truth of the matter is that it is logistically impossible to produce Love and Luck at this time. And it will probably remain that way until we have a vaccine.

We make Love and Luck as a beautiful group of big queers in lovely big meeting rooms and a lovely big recording studio in a community centre. We can\\u2019t do that right now, both from a risk perspective and a legal one - lockdown restrictions in Melbourne are severe and it\\u2019s not clear how long it\\u2019s going to be until things like community centres are open again.

But it\\u2019s not just about the restrictions. Many of us in the team - myself included - are very high risk for complications from COVID19 should we catch it. And as much as we love making the show, a podcast isn\\u2019t worth risking our lives over.

Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to set up all of our actors with home recording setups. That\\u2019s just not an option for us right now.

Even aside from all those details - my mental health has not been doing too good lately, and I\\u2019ve found writing to be particularly difficult. While a good chunk of season three\\u2019s first draft is already there - about 16,000 words worth - it has been an uphill battle to get even that far.

So Love and Luck is officially going on hiatus for the foreseeable future. I hope that we can come back to it and give it one last season at some point in the future - but even if we can\\u2019t, this is one of the reasons I write seasons the way I do. There is no cliffhanger. If we are unable to come back, I\\u2019m happy with where we left things.

Thank you all so much for listening to our show. I never thought my little self indulgent project would become so big or so beloved. You have all had such an incredible effect on me and my life, and I am so grateful to all of you.

If you\\u2019re wondering what\\u2019s next for Passer Vulpes Productions, we are still making shows - we\\u2019re just going to move to working on things better suited to remote production. Supernatural Sexuality with Dr Seabrooke is still ongoing - we are working on season two at the moment, actually - and there will be other podcasts to come from us in future. Letting Love and Luck go for now means that I can turn that attention and work towards something new.

If you want to keep up with what we\\u2019re doing, you can follow us on twitter at @PasserVulpes, you can check out our website and join our mailing list at, and you\\u2019re welcome to come join our Discord server too.

Thank you, once again, for listening. Thank you for your trust, your bravery, and your love. Thank you for making the magic real. Wherever life takes you next, I dearly wish you love and luck.
